Healing for today. Hope for tomorrow. Become A Foster Parent

"Being a foster parent is the best thing I have ever done BAR NONE--other than meeting my wife because she introduced me to fostering." ~Dave, Anu Foster Parent

At Anu Family Services we understand “Traumatized, disconnected children don’t talk grief. They do grief.” We have found children process their grief and loss, not on Tuesday at 2 p.m. in a therapist’s office, but instead at bedtime when they won’t settle down to sleep or when a simple request to brush teeth or pick up a backpack results in a complete meltdown. Traditionally, medication and treatment designed for non-traumatized children or adults has been used for children in foster care. This approach not only fails to advance child wellbeing but results in added trauma. It’s time to do something different. Through a foundation in research, we have created a framework designed to nurture the wellbeing of children, not just treat their disorders. We realize only this will promote lasting healing. So, we call on individuals and families who are natural healers: patient, understanding and nurturing, to answer the call to become treatment foster parents.

What is a Treatment Foster Parent?

A treatment parent is open and flexible and understands children and youth who have experienced trauma often communicate their grief and loss through pain-based behaviors.

They notice, rather than judge, and understand the power of connections in the healing process.

What is The Impact of A Treatment Foster Parent?

Foster parents create trusting environments where children and youth can form safe connections and make sense of their grief and loss.

This allows youth to heal their trauma and advance their wellbeing.

Foster Parents are licensed under Wisconsin DCF 56 and are provided specialized training in the areas of:

  • Trauma-Effective Parenting Strategies
  • Integrative Healing Services
  • Networks of Supportive Connections
  • Grief, Loss and Trauma Work

We Provide Quality Services Through:

  • Frequent contacts with each child, adult and treatment home
  • Exceptional Social Workers to support Anu foster parents
  • Use of trauma-effective, strength-based parenting models 
  • Specialized staff and foster parent education
  • Providing a dedicated Parent Coach to support and guide Anu foster parents

To learn more about becoming a foster parent in Wisconsin:
or call 877-287-2441 and press 2
or email Becky Germain at bgermain@anufs.org

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the first step to become a foster parent?

The first step is the easiest!  Just reach out to us and we will answer any questions and provide all the information about what it takes to become a foster parent.  

Call us at 877-287-2441 ext 2



Why should I become a foster parent?

As a foster parent, you are able to provide children with what they need most, a place to belong, someone to love them and a place to call home. You already have the ability to positively change the lives of children who desperately need you.

How do I become a foster parent?

Contact us! We will talk you through what the requirements are and what the process is to become a licensed foster parent. It is easier than most people think.

Will I get paid to be a foster parent?

With Anu Family Services you will receive a daily per diem rate for each child based on their individual needs. This per diem covers the expenses associated with providing foster care.

What if I already have my own kids?

Many of our foster families have a mix of foster and biological children in their homes. That is the true meaning of a family.

Will I be able to help kids from my own community?

Yes, in fact, county referring sources choose to keep children in their own community to enhance their current connections. Anu Family Services receives well over 1,000 referrals for youth needing a home per year.  Foster parents are able to decide what children they bring into their homes so there is a very good chance that you could work with kids from own community if you choose so.

What are the qualifications to become a foster parent?

Foster parents need to meet a minimum of 3 of the following; previous professional experience working with children, 5 years of raising your own kids, a high school diploma, previous experience as a foster parent, or college educations in relation to fields which compliment child care.  Some parents approach us with only 2 of the required 3.  In this case, we are able to approve them for respite, and after they’ve completed 500 hours respite, this will qualify as one of the three requirements necessary.

Will I have a say which kids come into my home?

Yes, we’ll do an assessment to see what children can safely be placed in your home.  This plan will also display your child placement interests.

What are the requirements for my house to become a foster parent?

You may own or rent, as long as you have room for another child, and your home meets necessary licensing standards, usually related to hazards.

I don't think I'm ready right now to be a foster parent, but what can I do to help in the meantime?

Respite care may be a better option.  The respite approval process is simple; a small amount of training, a home inspection, and background checks.

What training will I receive before and after I become a foster parent?

Foster parents receive approximately 30 hours before receiving their first placement, and 24 hours each year after; many provided by Anu. 

What support will I receive from Anu Family Services?

We’re available to our foster parents 24/7.  There will be an Anu Permanence Specialist (case manager) assigned directly to you, as well as agency on-call staff available at all times. 

Will I get periodic breaks for rest?

Yes, Anu offers 24 days respite care each year and recommends that foster parents regularly use it.  We’ll help you locate respite care for foster youth, and communicate these plans within the treatment team. 

What about family vacations; can my foster children come with us?

Yes, as long such plans don’t interfere with treatment plans, and we notify the children’s parents and referring staff. 

I am a single parent; can I be licensed as a foster parent?

Yes, we can grant an exception to single parents who have a built-in respite plan for when they are working or otherwise unavailable to supervise the children. 

What struggles will the kids bring with them?

Children referred to Treatment Foster Care typically struggle with emotional and behavioral challenges.  Specific treatment plans are developed to meet the needs of every child in care.  It is also important to note, however, that the vast majority of youth in foster care are not there because of their behaviors but rather the decisions their caregivers made.

How long does it take to be training and licensed to become a foster parent?

Our goal is to complete all training and licensing requirements with new foster parents in 120 days or less.  This time frame really depends on the time availability of the foster parents to attend online, in-person and in-home training.

Do need to be licensed by the county I live in to do foster care?

No.  Private organizations like Anu also license foster homes throughout the state.  There are several advantages to choosing to be licensed by a private foster care agency like us.  Contact us to learn more.